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Share Your Success!

Success Sharing Form

Share Your Success!

Success Sharing Form

We want to celebrate your successes with you!

The RestorixHealth Marketing Team is gathering successes from across the company to recognize our associates for the great work they are doing. From wound care certifications, DAISY awards and other career milestones to a patient review or center testimonial, please detail the success below, and the Marketing Team will send your accomplishment to the appropriate department for acknowledgment.

Please make sure that content does not include images, text or anything else that could potentially identify a patient or contain patient information. The photos and quotes may be used internally within RestorixHealth or for external marketing purposes, such as social media or in marketing materials. Your submission acknowledges your consent for RestorixHealth to use your image and likeness and/or any statements from you in its media activities without compensation or other remuneration now or in the future.